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Whether you happen to be looking for existing camp events or opportunities to utilize the grounds for your own activities - you're in the right place!

Did you know you can donate to our district camp with ZERO FEES via PayPal Giving Fund?!?!?

Click the above button to be taken to our District's charity page with PayPal Giving Fund. Doing so will allow you to donate money to the camp without the usual credit card processing fees. Does it seem too good to be true? Trust us - it's real! The key point to remember here is the word donation. No funds given in this manner will be accepted in exchange for goods or services.

What are people saying about our Campgrounds?

“Getting married at Orleans campgrounds was perfect for Jared and me. Not only was it the place we met - but it will always hold even more special memories for us. We loved our day and hope many other couples get to experience getting married at such a special place.”

— McKenzie Rea, Campground Wedding

Check if our grounds work for your event!

Unsure if we are the perfict fit for you? Fill out our Campground Interest Form to request more information.